Guidelines for applicable

Following the instructions below, papers must be sent in the electronic form to the journal’s e-mail address: The same e-mail must include the following separate attachments:

  1. Title page (MS Word format)
  2. Manuscript Text (MS Word Format)
  3. Author form (hand-signed and scanned, in pdf or jpeg format).


If the author/s has additional attachments to the manuscript/paper (e.g. databases, ethics committee permits, approvals for the implementation of the project from which the paper emerged, etc.), they also must include them in the same email as a separate annex. 


Scientific and professional papers

Scientific papers should not exceed more than 7 000 words, and professional papers should not exceed more than 5 000 words (including abstracts, notes, a reference list, tables, images, and appendices).


All appendices should be in MS Word .doc or doc(x) format and submitted anonymously. Author identification must be removed (under File>Properties) from MS Word.


The manuscript should contain the following components in the given order: title page, title, abstract and keywords in the language used in the paper, the body of the paper, acknowledgment (if necessary), reference list, title, abstract, and keywords in another language (Croatian and/or English), compliance with the journal’s ethical standards and finally attachments (if any). Manuscript pages must be numbered.



Title Page


The title page of the paper contains the working (short) title of the paper, the paper’s full title, the authors’ name(s) and surname(s), the name of the authors’ current institution, author note including the author's first name, surname and email for correspondence, abstract and keywords.


Working (short) title

The working title is a shortened version of the paper’s full title. It is written in the title page header and the text header of the paper (“running head”). It is up to eight words long (up to 50 characters including blanks), serif font Times New Roman, font size 12, in capital letters.  


Full Title of the Paper

The full title of the paper (centered alignment, line spacing 1.5) should be written in the middle of the title page (Times New Roman, font sizes 12, in lowercase letters, boldface). The title of the paper should provide a summary of the paper’s main idea, it should be precise and informative. According to APA standards, the length of the paper’s full title should be no more than 15 words.



Below the title (centered alignment, single-line spacing) the names and surnames of all authors should be written (Times New Roman, font size 12, in lowercase letters), according to the significance for publishing the paper (and not in alphabetical order), their institutional affiliation should be written below each author’s name, If both authors represent the same institution, their names and surnames should be written in the same line, and the name of the institution should follow immediately beneath their names.


Example (different institution):

Ksenija Romstein

Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek


Gordana Kuterovac Jagodić

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


Example (Same institution):

Ksenija Romstein

Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek



Author Note

The “Author note” should be written in the bottom half of the title page. It contains the following parts:

  1. The Title (Author Note), Centered alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, lowercase letters, boldface, line spacing 1.5.
  2. ORCID ID (left alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, lowercase letters)
  3. Department/Unit/Chair/Organisational Unit of the Author's Workplace (left alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, lowercase letters)
  4. Funding data (if any) and Acknowledgments if necessary (left alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, in lowercase letters)
  5. If part of the results or the same sample from the paper was presented somewhere else or was partially used in another paper, this must be clearly stated.
  6. Contact information of the author responsible for correspondence relating to the review procedure and publication of the paper (institution address and e-mail) (left alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, in lowercase letters).





Author Note

Tena Velki ID:

Ksenija Romstein ID:

Tena Velki has been employed in the Department of Social Sciences as an associate professor of psychology.

Ksenija Romstein has been employed in the Department of Lifelong Learning as an assistant professor of educational rehabilitation.

This paper is part of the scientific research "Causal induction in the context of macro paradigm developmental psychopathology and disabilities II: validation of screening tools for developmental profiles of preschool children (KAZIND2-2023)" funded by the Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Preliminary results from this paper were presented as part of the international scientific conference “Psychology Days in Zadar", in June 2020 entitled Parental Assessment of Deviated Behaviors of Preschoolers (Velki, T. and Romstein, K).

Contact: Tena Velki, Faculty of Education, Cara Hadrijana 10, 31000 Osijek; E-mail:



Abstract and keywords

Abstract and keywords are part of the title page. Begin to write it on the new page as part of the title page.

All scientific and professional papers should have an abstract and keywords in Croatian and English. Manuscripts/papers in Croatian should contain an abstract and keywords in Croatian as part of the title page and at the end of the paper the title, the abstract, and keywords in English. Manuscripts in English should contain an abstract in English as part of the title page and at the end of the paper the title, the abstract, and keywords in Croatian.

Write the Title (Abstract), Centered alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, lowercase letters, boldface, line spacing 1.5. Beginning with the next line, write a text of the abstract below it (left alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12, lowercase letters, line spacing 1.5.)

The abstract should contain from 200 to 300 words outlining the objectives, hypotheses, methodology, and research results. The abstract should be written in the third person, other authors should not be quoted (except for quoting the authors of the instruments used, if necessary). After the abstract, beginning the next paragraph (indented, italicized, Times New Roman, font sizes 12, in lowercase letters) type the word Keywords and list up to five comma-separated keywords (Times New Roman, font sizes 12, in lowercase letters).





Ages & Stages-3 Questionnaire, 3rd edition (ASQ-3) is one of the most widely used instruments for early developmental screening for children with developmental delays. Pediatricians and preschool teachers apply ASQ-3 in their everyday practice. The aim of the research was to validate and standardize the Croatian version of ASQ-3. The study involved 368 parents who assessed children aged three to five years. The parents filled out the Croatian version of ASQ-3. The content and construct validity, as well as internal reliability, were checked. The norms for the Croatian sample of children were determined. The prevalence of developmental delays when Croatian norms were applied as compared to the prevalence of developmental delays when using the original American norms. The content validity was confirmed by the consent of three independent experts (psychologist, pediatrician, and early intervention specialist), while moderate construct validity was determined by factor analysis. Internal reliability was generally low to moderate and was particularly low for the communication scale and personal-social area. The norms were calculated based on deviations below one standard deviation (mild criterion, suspected of the developmental delay), or below two standard deviations (severe, critical developmental delay). The results showed that parents estimated an equal number of children who showed developmental delays (suspected and critical for developmental delays) regardless of whether the Croatian or original American norms were applied. Minor deviations in the use of different norms were found only for the communication scale, where a higher number of children showed developmental delays (for both groups of children, suspected and critical for developmental delays) when Croatian norms were used compared to the American ones. It is concluded that the Croatian version of ASQ-3 proved promising as a screening test, although minor adaptations are needed, along with ecological and criterion validation checks.
         Keywords: validation, early screening, norms, Croatia



More detailed guidelines on writing the title page according to APA 7 standards can be found at the following link:




General guidelines for formatting the text of the paper


Use 1.5 line spacing for the entire text. The whole text throughout the paper should be written in serif font Times New Roman, size 12, left alignment. This paper contains the following main components:

  1. introduction to the topic of the paper (which may consist of several paragraphs and subtitles) where a brief theoretical overview of the investigated issues should be explained, an overview of the research in this field, and the last paragraph in which the authors relate and clarify the proposed research to the achievements made so far in this field
  2. the method in which the authors clearly indicate the research goals, research questions, and hypotheses, the description of the participants, the measuring instruments used, as well as the research process itself
  3. research results, i.e. data analysis following the hypotheses
  4. a discussion consisting of the interpretation of the results obtained and the correlation to the previous research, a paragraph on potential methodological and other deficiencies, as well as a paragraph on the practical implications indicated by the research results and possible recommendations for the practice
  5. conclusion in which in a few sentences the author should restate the main objective addressed in a paper and explain the overall conclusion about the main research results.


Write the working (short) title according to the guidelines (same as on the Title page) and place it left-justified in the page header, and the page number should be inserted next to the heading right-justified.


For the title (full title) of the paper use lowercase letters Times New Roman, font size 14 bold and centered.


All paragraphs should begin with an indent, there is no extra space (blank line) between parts of the paragraph, nor between paragraphs and subtitles.


Neither subtitles nor paragraphs should be labeled with numbers, but organized into five different heading levels as follows:



 Method (level 1, centered, bold)

Aims and hypotheses (level 2, left alignment, bold, indented)

Participants (level 2)

Teachers (level 3)

Students (level 3, left alignment, bold, italic, indented)

Measuring instruments (level 2)

Procedure (level 2)

Results (level 1)

Teacher's assessment of a child's behavior (level 2)

Attitude towards peers (level 3)

Bullying. (level 4, left alignment, bold, indented, ends with a period)

Violence. (level 5, left alignment, bold, italic, indented, ends with a period)

Victimization. (level 5)

     Prosocial behavior. (level 4)

Pupil self-assessment (level 2)





All statistical abbreviations should be written in italics, e.g. p, r, except for the Greek symbols that should not be written in italics, e.g. α. You must put a space between and after characters such as = or >, such as p <,005. If various statistical data are provided in the brackets, they should be separated by a semicolon. In Croatian papers, a comma is used as a decimal mark, while in English papers, the period is used to represent decimal numbers. All decimal records should be rounded to two decimal places, except when model docking indicators are specified (e.g. CFI, TLI, etc.), p level of significance (e.g. p <,001), etc. where the information on differences at the third decimal place is also significant.



Notes should be avoided, but if this is not possible, they should be marked in the text with an Arabic numeral and attached at the bottom of the same page. Each note must end with a period.



Formatting tables and Figures (image)


All graphs (images) and tables should be incorporated into the text soon after being mentioned. The name of the image/graph or table and the sequence number should be specified in the appropriate location in the text.

All graphic attachments and tables must be in black and white or grayscale and editable format. At the end of the text, after references, images/graphs and tables should be attached to the new page (first all images, then all tables to a new page). Microsoft Word’s automatic table of contents function should not be used, but all headings and numbers of tables and images as well as references to tables and images should be formatted manually.


Each table and image should be marked with an ordinal Arabic number and title. The table and image title should be placed above (level 2) and the name itself in a new row (level 3). There is no period after the title. A blank row should not be inserted between the title and the table or graph/picture.


All abbreviations in tables and images should be explained below them (under "Note") so that they can be read and understood without reference to the text in which they have been incorporated.

The font size 11 and single line spacing should be used in the Table itself. Tables should only include borders and lines that are needed for clarity (horizontal, while vertical ones should not be used).






Table 3 (Left Alignment, Bold, Line Spacing 1.5)

Prevalence of critical and suspected developmental delays in children based on American and Croatian norms (left alignment, italic, line spacing 1.5)




36 months

% (n)

42 months

% (n)

48 months

% (n)

Critical developmental delay


20.6% (13)

13.4% (9)

7.5% (5)


15.9% (10)

17.9% (12)

17.9% (12)

Suspected developmental delay


20.6% (13)

22.4% (15)

34.3% (23)


20.6% (13)

22.4% (15)

38.8% (26)

Note. n - number of children in the subsample



Image 1.

The age-based trend of deviations in the communication development



More detailed guidelines can be found at the following link:



Compiling a reference list or bibliography


The journal uses the APA 7 standard for citing and bibliographic reference (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., 2019). For detailed instructions for the in-text citations and references visit the following link


The shortened version of APA citation and reference guidelines can also be found at:


APA 7th – The Citation Compass

APA Style (7th ed.) Quick Guide (Dalhousie University Libraries)


Papers in English should fully comply with the guidelines on a reference citation in English research papers. In the Papers written in the Croatian language, all abbreviations should follow the formal rules of the language used.


In-text Citations

The sources cited in the text should include the author's last name and the year of publication, e.g. Romstein (2000) or (Romstein, 2000) and, if relevant, the page number after the comma (Romstein, 2000, p. 25). When repeatedly referring to the same source, the use of "ibid" should be avoided. Source references should be so applied to clearly identify which part of the text they relate to or they should be repeated.


If there is more than one author, they should be separated by a semicolon (;) and sorted alphabetically, e.g. (Baccalate, 1998; Velki and Romstein, 2007; Živković et al 2005). In the work by two authors, the last names of both authors and the year should be included in the text, e.g. (Velki and Romstein, 2000). For work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in the citation, e.g. (Živković et al., 1995). When listing several works by the same author, the author's name should be indicated only once, and the years of publications should be separated by a comma (Majdenić, 2000, 2010).


Citing secondary sources should be avoided, i.e. cited only when the original work is out of print or unavailable. If citing a secondary source cannot be avoided, then the citation should be designed to provide information about the original work (author's last name, year, page number), then the words “as cited in" and information about the secondary source (author's last name, year and page number), e.g. (Borić, 1990, p. 33, as cited in Velki, 2006, p. 45) or in her work Borić describes... (as cited in Velki, 2006, p. 14).






At the end of the paper, it is necessary to provide a full bibliography. This section of the paper should be titled References (Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, centered, level 1) and it should begin on the new page.


The reference list should provide full data on all sources referred to in the text. The sources should be listed alphabetically by the authors’ surnames and in chronological order if multiple works by the same author have been cited (starting from the earlier works). When a paper contains several sources by the same author, with the same publication date, they should be distinguished by the inclusion of lower case letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year of publication. For sources with multiple authors, all authors should be listed instead of using “et al".


A DOI number for each of the references, if available, should also be included in the reference list at the end. The DOI number can be verified through the CrossRef service at For other online available sources, after the basic references (titles, authors, etc.), it is necessary to provide a URL (http://...).


When listing each bibliographic unit, all lines except for the first one should be indented.



Reference list examples at the end of the paper:



Author, A.A. (year). Book title: Subtitle. Place: Publisher.

Author, A. and Author, B. (year). Book title (2nd ed.). Place, Place: Publisher.

Author, A. and Author, B. (Eds.) (Year). Book title: Place: Publisher.


Velki, T. and Romstein, K. (Eds.) (2018). Manual for Working with Students with Disabilities in secondary schools. Osijek: Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Velki, T. (2018). Manual for working with hyperactive children in school: for teachers, parents and teaching assistants (2nd extended edition). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.


Chapters in books and articles in conference proceedings:

Author, A. and Author, B. (year). Chapter or article title: In C. Author and D. Author (Eds.) Book title: (publishing information if any, pages from-to). Place: Publisher.


Velki, T. (2019). Attitudes about inclusive education in High schools: differences in student, parent and teacher opinions. In: D. Matanović and A. Uemura (Eds.), Proceedings from International Conference Education and training as a basis for future employment (p. 65–79). Osijek, Croatia: Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.


Journal articles:

Author, A. (year). Article title: Journal name, volume/year (issue), from-to. DOI


Velki, T. and Romstein, K. (2018). User Risky Behavior and Security Awareness through Lifespan. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems, 9(2), 9-16


For more detailed instructions on APA 7 citations and bibliographic references, visit the following link:



Open educational resource references:


Data stored in an open repository should be cited in the same way as published references. Example:


O'Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set].


Ministry for the Environment. (2016). Vulnerable catchments (Version 17) [Data set].


Ministry of Education. (2015). Transient students [Data set].


Web document or webpage references


For an online document or webpage, the following data should be provided: the author's name, year, the document name (italics), the date viewed, and webpage address, e.g.


Degelman, D. (2000). APA Style Essentials. Retrieved May 6, 2007 from:


Unpublished Materials


Unpublished materials should not be included in the reference list. However, if these references must be included, they should follow the standard reference style by replacing the publication date with the indication "Unpublished Material". Citing a reference as "in the press" implies that the paper has been accepted for publication.


Translation of references


If a paper submitted for review is in English and references cited are in Croatian it is necessary to include an English translation of the cited titles in square brackets:


Velki, T. and Duvnjak, I. (2017). Efekti socijalnoga konteksta na povezanost uporabe medija s nekim aspektima razvoja djece [Effects of Social Context on Correlation between Media Usage and Some Aspects of Children Development]. Psihologijske teme, 26(3), 481–508.


Ethical issues and author responsibilities

Authors are responsible for the originality and authorship of their manuscripts and should behave in accordance with the ethical principles and rules of scientific honesty for the authors of the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE) If they use other people's ideas or their own previously disclosed knowledge, this should be properly referred to and cited. The description of the research process should contain all the information relevant for judging the ethics of research implementation. The editorial board may also request confirmation that the research has been approved by the Ethics committee of the institution responsible for the research. Authors are required to obtain permission from the respective copyright owners to print images, documents, and other materials. Authors should provide the names of the organizations, scientific projects, or institutions that have supported the research published in the paper. In case of suspicion of unethical scientific conduct (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, manipulation of data, redundant manuscripts, changes in authorship, etc.) the Editorial Board will act following the guidelines of the international association – "Committee on Publication Ethics" (COPE). For more details visit When submitting the manuscript, the authors confirm by their signature that the submitted article is in accordance with all the above ethical principles and that there is no conflict of interest regarding its publication.



The paper needs to be proofread, and the Statement of Authorship and Proofreading of the Manuscript needs to be filled out.



Book reviews and conference reports

Book reviews should be up to 2,000 words long and conference reports up to 1,500 words. Only in exceptional cases, the editorial board may approve slightly longer contributions. All appendices should be in MS Word doc or doc(x) format and submitted anonymously.


Book reviews should contain the author’s full name appearing on the first page, in the first line. The title (and subtitle) of the work appears in the second line, while the third line should provide the following information: publisher name, place, year of edition, number of pages, and ISBN. The author’s signature should be placed at the very end of the book review.


The conference title should appear in the first line on the first page of the conference report, while the second line should contain the place and date of the conference. The author’s signature should be placed at the end of the conference report.





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